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There are no "Goddesses" in Christianity for Satan to marry.

---- Further Comment

Little Nicky was a film, and uses a wildly eccentric (and many would say blasphemous) interpretation of the Christian story to develop its plotline.

Some of the ideas in Little Nicky are based on notions which were found in very early Christian thinking (specifically in Gnostic theories of the Demiurge), but no current Christian believes that Satan gets visiting rights in Heaven. (None that I know of, at least).

Different ages have different ideas on how loosely one can interpret The Bible, and Biblical tradition. John Milton's Paradise Lost adds much story material to his version of the Fall which Milton would have known was dubious, or heterodox. But Milton always shows a fundamental respect for his subject matter.

Little Nicky plays the Bible for laughs - but for some arcane reason it has escaped the censure that (say) The Life of Brian suffered.

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Q: How is it possible for Satan to go to paradise in Heaven and get married with a Goddess to save the Earth?
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