

How is it possible for black holes to be created?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Most Black Holes are created when a star that has 20 times the mass of our sun dies. In a stars life there is a constant war between pressure pushing out and gravity pulling in and when it dies it the outer part is thrown into space and the inner core collapses into itself, creating a black hole.

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Q: How is it possible for black holes to be created?
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How were black holes created?

Black holes are created from something extremely dense in a small space. The most common cause is a supernova.

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Black holes do not create supernovae. Black holes are created from a supernovae.

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How are black holes possible?

They are not just possible, they are an inevitable consequence of a Universe dominated by gravity.

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The density of matter just after the big bang is calculated to be sufficient to have spontaneously created black holes; such are called primordial black holes, and searches for their existence are ongoing.

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Black Holes are created from extreme gravity so I would have to say no.

Why are black holes formed?

black holes can be formed in a supernova explosion if the mass of the star is largeenoughusually they are created when a massive and dense star like a neutron star collapses

Are black holes time portals?

it is theorized that it is possible for black holes to act as worm holes but most scientists believe their gravitational pull is simply too powerful for anything to survive being ripped to pieces before it goes anywhere.

Where do you find a black hole?

The nearest known black hole is at a distance of about 6000 light-years, but it is quite possible that there are black holes closer to us.

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