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In all reality there is absolutely no way a Fennec fox can be part Chihuahua or visa versa. Their chromosomes are a different number. Dogs have 39 and Fennecs have 32 so there is no possible way they would be crossed. im sorry about that but the chihuahua is part fox so that ^^^ is wrong havea nice day >^.^<

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It's a popular theory that early Chihuahuas were cross bred with fennec foxes to create the breed we're familiar with today. In fact, in 1980, a fennec and chihuahua were succesfully bred, something that was previously thought to be impossible. It's still just a theory though, so it's hard to say for sure.

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well it could be a toy or teacup.

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Do a fennec fox like to eat fish?

No, they do not live in an area where fish could be found.

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What stores sell Chihuahua gifts?

The zazzle store offers chihuahua themed gifts for sale including refrigerator magnets. Alternatively you could shop on the cafepress website for chihuahua themed gifts.