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It works the same way it does on Earth. The momentum of the club is transferred to the Golf ball and it travels. And it isn't slowed down by the friction of air.

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Q: How is it possible to hit a golf ball on the moon?
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Could you hit a golf ball further on earth or the moon?

the moon

Can you hit a tee from under the golf ball?

yes. it is possible to hit the tee with out moving the golf ball it just depends on how you hit it

What did Alan sheperd do after he landed on the moon?

Hit a golf ball?

What is the first thing someone will do on the moon?

When Armstrong landed on the moon in 1969 he placed a flag, collected moon rocks, and used a golf club to hit a ball.

Why is it possible to hit a golf ball much further on the moon than on earth?

Because there is no atmosphere to slow the ball by friction and the gravity is lower so the ball is less affected

Who became the only person to hit a golf ball on the Moon?

Alan Shepard

Is Alan Shephard the only astronaut to hit a golf ball on the moon?


Is it possible to hit a golf ball from the Moon's surface and reach escape velocity?

A golf ball is designed to achieve speeds up to 100 mph. While it's certainly possible with super human strength to hit it harder, you'd need to achieve 2.38 km/s or 5,324 mph (8,568 kph) for it to escape the Moons gravity. Whilst possible in sci-fi magazines, a golf ball would just explode as soon as it was hit at those velocities.

Would the properties of a golf ball change if on the moon?

The properties of a golf balls flight would certainly change. With a good driver, it should be possible to hit it half to three quarters of a mile.

If you hit a golf ball as hard as you can on the surface of the moon how far will it travel?

very far

Appollo program played golf on the moon?

During the Apollo 14 moon mission Alan B. Shepard hit a golf ball on the moon.

How far did he hit the golf ball on the moon?

A one handed 6 iron, it went 300 yards.