

Best Answer

I'll give you an answer, but I don't think you will believe it until you have done the work and have lived a few more years. Analyzing a sentence for phrases improves your thought processes for learning and for figuring out life situations later. So, it isn't just about the gerunds, but it is all about how you solve the problem. Have fun with them!

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Is going a prepositional phrase?

No. A phrase you are looking for would be posed as a question.

Which contains words in italics that form a gerund phrase the laughing boy sat downan interesting novel provides good entertainmentwinning the race demanded speed and endurancei am going home?

The laughing boy: adjective phrase An interesting novel: adjective phrase Good entertainment: adjective phrase Winning the race: gerund phrase Going home: verb and object.

Is you are going home a gerund phrase?

In the sentence, "You are going home.", the parts of speech are:you; second person, personal pronoun, subject of the sentence.are; auxiliary verbgoing; verbhome; common noun, direct object of the verb.

Is going a preposition?

Yes, "going" is a verb, not a preposition. Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence.

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Going is not a preposition. It is a verb indicating movement or action.

What is the -ing form of a verb called?

A gerund is the present participle of a verb (the -ing word), that functions as a noun. A gerund phrase will begin with a gerund, and will include other modifiers and/or objects. A gerund phrase always functions as a noun.

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It is hard to tell without knowing the context, but in general the phrase probably means that something is wrong with the display and the person is trying to determine what is going on.

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Is the word going a prepositional word?

No, it is not a preposition. The word going is a verb form or gerund (noun).

Is the word going a preposition word?

No, it is not a preposition. The word going is a verb form or gerund (noun).

What is a present participle verb?

A present participle has the same form as a gerund. Gerund is to used to refer to a verb that is being used as a noun. Present participles are constructed by adding -ing to the end of the is going to school now. -- here going is a verb.I like walking. -- here walking is a gerund.

What are the nouns in the sentence He likes going to the beach?

The gerund/verbal noun "going" and the word beach are nouns. He is a pronoun.