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which libreoffice software is a word processor

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How libre office categorized as a software?

which libreoffice software is a word processor

What is Libre Office in technology?

It is a version of the OpenOffice software.

Different Word processing software other than Microsoft?

Libre Office & Open Office (both the same software but from different sources - best to use the Libre Office if you can). I will place a link to this (free) open software below .

What the names of some free office accounting software?

The free office accounting software I know about are Libre office and Open office. They are both based on the same open source software and depend of java to be installed to run correctly.

Is office software loaded on iMac?

No, the iMac does not come preloaded with Office. You can however get a great free office program called Open Office or Libre Office.

What are some word processing software beside Microsoft word?

I would say OpenOffice or its spinoff LibreOffice

4 examples of personal productivity software?

Productivity software are programs for the computer that help to make work efficient and more productive. Some examples are Microsoft Office, Open Office, Libre Office Productivity Suite and MS Publisher.

What are the components of libre office?

putanginang gago tangine

Is Libre Office compatible with Excel?

Yes they are compatible.

What is office software?

Office Software is tools to help a user with office related work at home or at a workplace both for beginners and advanced users. One of the most used would be Microsoft Office that could include Word for text, Excel for numbers, Outlook for email and contacts and other depending on the version and pack you get. Microsoft Office can be used on both PC and MAC. Many more exist. Popular free versions of these would be Libre/Open Office.

What are the differences between window for writer and window for microsoft word?

If you are asking what the differences are between Libre Office Writer and Microsoft Word, then the difference primarily is in the way the user interfaces looks. However, they do basically the same things and Libre Office Writer is compatible with Microsoft Word & vice versa. The added bonus to using Libre Office Writer is that it is free.

How you can catagorize papers of office into its files?

To categorize the papers of an office into a file you need to punch them and file them accordingly.