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Q: How is love between two people of a couple and the love among family members different?
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What is the most played sport in between family members?

IT DEPENDS HOW MANY FAMILY MEMBERS ARE THERE. if there are 24 family members , they could play 11 sports

What does Arbol genealogico mean in spanish?

"Arbol genealogico" means "family tree" in Spanish. It is a diagram that shows the relationships between family members across different generations.

What is your reaction being different or alike with any members of your family?

A person's reaction to being different or similar to other members of their family will vary from person to person. It is not common for two family members to look or act alike.

What is the difference between a melon and a cantaloupe?

No, melon is a category of fruit and cantaloupe is in the melon family

Define a nuclear family?

A nuclear family is what we call a couple and their children, just the family living in a standard household. There is also the extended family, which are family members not living with you but still related.

What is the difference between immediate family members and intermediate family members?

Immediate family members will include siblings, parents and children. They are directly linked within the family tree. Intermediate family members will be those who are indirectly linked within the family tree. They will include grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins and grandchildren.

Do family members of a will have to sign off to the executor?

It is important to distinguish here between 'family members' and 'beneficiaries'. If the will leaves the estate to people who aren't family members, then no, those family members do not have to 'sign off' the will. If, however, family members are beneficiaries according to the will, then yes, the beneficiaries will have to sign a release once they have collected whatever amount has been left to them in the will.

What is a shared care family?

A shared care family is a family that shares the care load of itself between its members.

What is a inter-racial family?

An interracial family is a family where the members belong to different racial groups. This can include parents and children of different races, or relatives from different racial backgrounds coming together in a family unit.

How are family counseling and guidance counseling different?

Family counseling focuses on the relationships between family members and how well the family system serves to meet the emotional needs of all members. Guidance counseling focuses on the individual and is generally geared toward identify future educational or professional goals rather than true emotional issues.

Is the weasel family part of the rodent family?

No. Weasels are members of the order Carnivora. Rodents have their own order of Rodentia. Therefore, their families are also different. weasels are members of the family Mustelidae, and rodents have a number of different families within their order.

What does family mean?

It means related to a family. In medical terminology, it refers to hereditary conditions that are more likely to appear among other members of the same family.