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Q: How is low red blood count effects you sign of cancer?
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Does cancer always result in high white blood cell count?

Typically, high white blood count indicates an infection. In the early stages of cancer, white blood count does not typically change. So, no, a high white blood count isn't really a sign of cancer in the early stages. You'd know you have cancer well before your blood cells do. It is, however a good idea to run additional tests to know why your cell count is high.

What is a sign of serious trouble in white blood count?


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Is blood in your stool a sign of rectal cancer?

Blood in your stool can indeed be a sign of rectal cancer, but it's not sure way to know. You should see a doctor and get tested to find out what is wrong.

Can white blood cells in the stool be a sign of colon cancer?


Does blood in stool say you have prostate cancer?

No. That is not at all related to Prostate Cancer. That can be a sign of hemorrhoids or polyps or tumors in the intestines.

How does bladder cancer begin?

Most of the time, the cancer begins as a superficial tumor in the bladder. Blood in the urine is the usual warning sign.

Does a high white blood cell count mean HIV?

No. High WBC is a sign of infection.

What do leukocytosis of 21000 mean?

Leukocytosis is a white blood cell count (leukocyte count) that is above the normal range in the blood which is between 6-10 thousand. This high WBC count might be a sign of an infection, inflammation, or allergy. :)

Does blister in the mouth count as a sign of mouth cancer?

A blister in your mouth that persists and does not heal may be a sign of oral cancer. Any sore that does not heal within 2 weeks warrants evaluation by a health care provider / dentist.

Is this kidney cancer?

This can be a sign of kidney cancer, although with blood in your stool you could have multiple conditions going on. You can find symptoms of kidney cancer at

The presence of blood in the urine may be indicative of what?

maybe go to a doctor. prescence of blood in urine is a sign of cancer