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The milk is collected from the cows by a vacuum pump placed on each teat of a cow's udder. The milk collected then follows a vast array of tubes and pipes that lead to a holding tank that holds all the milk from all the cows that are milked during that particular time period. Here pasteurization occurs, then the milk is collected by a pump from the milk truck, and taken away to a factory that will turn the milk into various dairy products from cheese and butter to 2% milk and ice cream.

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Cows are fed according to what reproductive cycle they are in, what they are used for and what breed they are. Cows are managed according to where they live. Since this question seems to be in more reference to dairy cows, dairy cows are allowed to graze outside of the barn during the summer months, then are inside during the time when it is too cold to be grazing. Depending on where they live, dairy cows can be allowed to be outside all the time, grazing on pastures and coming in to be milked.

Cows are always checked every day for signs of illness or disease and if some are open or not, etc. Cows that need to be bred are separated and put in an area where they can be bred via artificial insemination. Cows that are being dried up are put in yet a separate barn. And, cows that are about to calve are put in the maternity barn to calve out and be assisted when necessary.

As for how cows are milked, check out the related question below.

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Q: How is milk collected on a dairy farm?
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How do you spell dairy for milk products?

The word is spelled correctly: dairy, for milk and milk products, or a dairy farm.

How is milk produced on a dairy farm?

With dairy cows.

What a farm where milk is produced called?

A dairy farm

What do dairy farm product?

The most important product of a dairy farm is usually milk.

Do they filter milk in a dairy farm?

No. Milk is not processed any further than pasteurization on the dairy farm. The milk collected into a big bulk tank on the farm is stored there until the truck arrives to collect the milk. The milk is then delivered to the closest factory that processes the milk, filtering out the fat to get several different types of milk (Homogenized, 2%, 1%, and skim) and deposits them in cartons or plastic jugs. The fat is saved for butter, cheese, ice cream, yogurt, and other dairy products, which are also made in a factory environment separate from the dairy farm.The only job of the dairy farm is to care for and raise the cows that produce milk, collect the milk from the cows using milk machines (and the advanced technology and hygiene associated with the seemingly simplistic task of milking cows), and store it in a bulk tank, and pasteurize it. A dairy farmer cannot nor has the facilities to do anything more with the milk than store it until the milk collection truck arrives.

What does the word churn mean?

Churn could mean to move about vigorously, as in making cheese. A butter-churn is the machine that makes butter by agitating (churning) cream. A milk-churn is the metal contain that farmers once filled with milk, and was collected by a lorry and taken to a milk dairy company. Nowadays, a milk tanker collects the milk in bulk from a dairy farm.

What is added to a gallon of milk?

I grew up on a dairy farm and nothing was added to our milk.

Dairy farm milk is it homonize or paturize?

paturized I'm not entirely sure what this question is asking, but if the question is, "Is milk pasteurized or homogenized on the farm or at the dairy?", then the answer is -- at the dairy. Only the largest of dairy farms, the ones that include their own dairy, would be able to perform either of these processes.

Who has the largest dairy in PEI?

The largest dairy farm in Canada is located in Chilliwack, British Columbia.

How do you use the word dairy in a sentence?

The word dairy has several meanings: noun: a place where cheese butter etc is made -- The new maid began work in the dairy a shop that sells milk cream cheese etc -- I am just going down to the diary to get some milk. food made from milk cream etc -- Jack doesn't eat dairy adjective relating to milk products -- Dairy products are getting expensive. relating to a farm/factory that produces milk -- My uncle worked on a dairy farm. My first job was in a dairy factory

Do you ever get more than milk from the dairy barn in farmville?

Yes, if you have enough cows, then you will get extra fertilizer when you harvest milk from the dairy farm in Farmville. When your neighbors visit your farm, they will be able to fertilize 10 plots instead of 5 plots. If you have a bull in your dairy farm then you might find a calf when you harvest milk. Unfortunately, you cannot keep the calf, but you can offer it up to your neighbors of radoption.

What is the difference in meaning between diary and dairy?

A diary (DIARY) is a first person account, using 'I', in recounting your life experiences and day to day life.Dairy (DAIRY) refers to milk and milk products, or to a dairy farm which raises cows to produce milk and milk products.