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Q: How is polygamy common in the Middle East?
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Related questions

Is polygamy accepted on a world view?

Polygamy is accepted in much of the Middle East and Africa and parts of Asia

Where does polygamy occur most?

Polygamy is legal and quite popular in the Middle East and Africa as well as parts of Asia.

Who practices polygamy?

Polygamy is practiced by many different groups worldwide. It is a common cultural practice in many parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Many Muslims and some Christians practice polygamy as a part of their religion. Polygamy is illegal in the US and most western countries, but many still practice it in secret.

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Is polygamy rong?

This is entirely a matter of opinion. Polygamy is legal and common in many parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, but in North America, South America, and Europe it is generally unaccepted. Personally, I have nothing against polygamy so long as it is a consenting relationship between adults, the wives are being treated fairly, and the children are being properly cared for.

Are Lebanese men allowed to have more than 1 wife?

Yes, Shia Muslims in Lebanon are allowed to have more than a wife. Polygamy is still practice in most countries in the Middle east, and quite common.

Does the Middle East have deserts?

Desert land is quite common in the middle east

What cultures still believe in polygamy?

Many Middle Eastern Muslims practice polygamy, as it is permissible by their religion and culture. It is also common among ethnic Africans and in some Asian countries. Some Western Christians also practice polygamy, although it is illegal.

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Most common language in the middle east?

Arabic is the most common language spoken in the Middle East. It is the official language in many countries in the region and is widely used for communication, business, and government affairs.

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