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Q: How is respiration dependent on chemical factors in the blood?
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What factors modifies respiration?

It is controlled by the brain and brain stem.

What are the factors which control respiration?

chemical factors in the blood

On which factors is the volume of blood is dependent on?

The volume of blood is dependent on how fast our heart beats. A term called blood pressure is used to determine the pressure at which the heart pumps the blood.

Respiration is a chemical reaction used to?

it leads to normal ph of blood, regulate Pco2 and Po2 of blood.

What is dependent variable between age and blood pressure?

The dependent variable would be blood pressure. The independent variable would be age. Of course, there are many factors, other than just age, which determine blood pressure.

What is the chemical substance released into the blood by the pancreas that enables the body to use sugar as a fuel in the process of respiration?

insulin insulin

Can your dog take on a different dogs personalitys after a blood transfusion?

No. Personality - in humans or in animals - is dependent on dozens of factors, but nothing that can be exchanged in a blood transfusion.

Which two chemical factors can modify respiratory rate and depth?

Carbon dioxide and blood PH

What is the respiration photosynthesis?

RESPIRATION: the body system that supplies blood with oxygen and removes CO2 (carbon dioxide) from the blood. PHOTOSYNTHESIS: a chemical reaction that takes place in plant cells when CO2 and water react in the presence of sunlight to produce glucose and oxygen. <3hope that helps..:)

Where does the blood take the water from respiration to get rid of it?

the blood gets rid of the water in the kidneys from respiration

The rate of respiration is determined by what levels in the blood?

The rate of respiration is determined by the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood. The main controller of the rate of respiration is the brain.

Where does the respiration stage take place?

Respiration takes place in every living cell will exceptions to red blood cells. Its a chemical reaction which produces energy from glucose and oxygen and makes carbon dioxide and water as its bi products.