

How is species defined?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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Any large number of some type of living organism is called a specie. They tend to stay together in a group. Examples: humans.

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Q: How is species defined?
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Which term is defined as a close relationship between two organisms of different species?


What is the smallest most precise classification category?

kingdom is the most specific classification category i found this out in my science book chapter 7 Improved answer: species and genus after because some species are categorized into sub-species The answer is in your question, the most specific is species. The word specific is actually a newer word based on species, from the Latin "specificus"- constituting a species. Specific is generally defined as limited, involving or relating to only one particular thing or type of thing. In biology specific is defined as refering to characteristics limited to a species. The use of sub-species as being more specific is problematical as a suspecies may be discontinued if the differences defining the sub-species are determined to be minor and the sub-species is returned to the species, or the differences so great that the sub-species is given a species of its own.

Is a tail a limb?

A limb is defined as a jointed or prehensile appendage. Arms and legs are limbs, but so are an octopus' tentacles, and the tails of certain species of monkey.

What are people called that study wolves?

There is no true word that is defined as "one who studies wolves", however, a person who does this occupation would be a scientist who studies the species Canis lupus.

How do you know that greyhound and poodle belong to the same species?

A species is defined as a group of similar organisms which can interbreed and produce fertile offspring. Both a Poodle and a Greyhound are therefore of the same species, Canis Lupus Familiaris, as they are genetically very similar and can produce puppies which can themselves breed. An example of two species which appear very similar but cannot produce fertile offspring are the donkey and the horse. A donkey can mate with a horse and produce a foal (which is known as a mule), but this foal will be infertile and unable to produce its own offspring. Therefore, we know that a donkey and a horse are not of the same species, and that a Poodle and a Greyhound are.

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