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Staph is the most prominent organism on the skin. You can get staph infection from the following ways:

1. You have a poor immune system- seen in critically ill patients, disease like AIDS or receive chemo which will destroy your immune system or elderly since the immune system is lowered

2. You have a cut in your skin/surgical incision/indwelling catheter or other medical equipment that is indwelling- Skin integrity is important and once it is lost all sorts of bacteria can enter the blood's stream. Intravenous lines and urinary catheters provide a highway for this infection!

3. You could have a mild form- that is what boils are! Many people suffer from this condition as well as some forms of acne are also related to this problem

4. Not washing your hands- Hand washing is so important. After you touch the infected area you want to wash your hands! This is no joke!

Staph can cause infection in bone (I once took care of a gentleman that had open heart surgery and lost his sternum because of a staph infection- you could see his heart beating and he had to wear what we called a turtle shell to protect his chest and not damage his heart-afterall, this is the function of the ribs). Staph can cause blood infections as well- a sepsis and death. Antibiotics are the usual treatment for this problem and the course could be quite long.

Staph infections used to be only in the hospitals, but because of antibiotic resistance- controversial topic, we are now seeing staph infections outside of the hospitals. The infections are mostly in community settings like nursing homes, prisons, schools, etc. The best advice- wear shower shoes, wash your hands, don't share Skin Care products and did I mention wash your hands!


My head- I am a RN

and some textbooks that I have written.

Hope this helps

A RN in NJ

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no it could be a lot of skin diseases it doesnt meen u have staph

What is a staph bacterium?

A Staph infection is a symptom normally associated with surgery. It is a medical complication that comes from several different problems. Staph is not a virus; it is the common name for the bacterium officially known as Staphylococcus aureus. It is a very common bacterium that lives on skin normally and only becomes a problem if it enters the skin. It (as well as strep) is very common in wound infections; Staph is also found in boils, some food poisoning, some types of pneumonia, toxic shock syndrome, mastitis, endocarditis, infection of the hair follicles (folliculitis) to name a few. Hope this helps! Dr. B.

How do you spread staph infection?

The correct spelling is "staph infection." "Staph" is shorthand for staphylococcus, a kind of bacteria.

Can staph cause hives?

Can staph cause , hives .

What would cause a staph infection in your groin?


Can a person get a staph infection from a dog scratch IF they can is the staph infection contagious?

They are highly infections, not just to dogs, but to humans as well.

Is Hepatitis a staph infection?

Staph is not a typical cause of hepatitis.

Is a staph infection dangerous to humans?

Yes, very. Especially the newer "resistant" staph infections. There are some strains of staph that cannot be treated with antibiotics. Staph infections can kill and staph infections that you encounter at hospitals are typically the most difficult to treat.

What are the symptoms of staph?

large red bump that looks like a pimple, small boils, do not pick! go to the doctor and have them do a staph culture. you can aslo see pics of staph online if you google "pictures of staph". staph is very dangerous in certain strains and also contagious. if you are certain it may be staph go get the culture asap.