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Surrealism was possibly the defining art movement between the two world wars. It was started by Andre Breton in c1920 and was borne out of Dadaism. Dada was a form of anti-art that deliberately defied reason. Dadaism was also aimed at negation, whereas the surrealist movement aimed to be a more positive expressive art form. Initially it consisted of a series of journals and poetry. Both Surrealism and Dadaism were different to other art movements as they were making a mockery type of buffoonery to every other type of art form, Surrealism is bizarre state of art as it shows un-imaginable artworks to be conducted, things from dreams, nightmares and images from the subconscious.

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Q: How is surrealism different from other types of art?
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How is surrealism different from other art types?

Realism generally refers specifically to painting and the attempt at rendering the images therein with as much visual accuracy as possible, where as Surrealism properly refers to a movement of artists who wanted to merge Freud's theories on the subconscious with Marxist dialectical materialism. In general parlance however he latter has come to mean any situation (especially visual situations) in which unrelated elements are casually juxtaposed to a shocking or ambiguous effect.

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Modern art typically refers to art made in the 1860's to the 1970's. Abstract art is considered Modern art.

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Surrealism still flourished here and there. The new thing in the 40s was Abstract Expressionism.

Was Surrealism before or after Pop Art?

Surrealism started some 30 years before Pop Art.

What year was surrealism art invented?

Surrealism started out as an art movement in 1924, but really it developed from Dadaism.

What ar different types of isms in the history of art?

i know some of them cubism expressionism realism modernism post modernism surrealism here r some of them, hope it helps you out

When did surrealism art movement begin and end?

The surrealism art movement roughly began around 1917 and showed more signs of slowing down around 1950. The surrealism art movement is defined by art with visuals that felt very dream like in it's nature.

Which art movement was dedicated to exploring the unconscious mind?

surrealism APEX:0

What type of art was popular in the 1920s?

Surrealism and Art Deco

How does surrealism differ to other art movements?

it differs because it is spelled differently than any other artforms