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Q: How is the Balance OF OXYGEN and carbon dioxide managed in the ATMOSPHERE?
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How is the balance mainted between the volume of carbon dioxide and oxygen in atmosphere?

The balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide is maintained in the atmosphere by the oxygen released by plant during photosynthesis and carbon dioxide released by human ,animal's etc in the atmosphere

How is the balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide maintained?

trees play an important role in maintaining the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Explain the role of forest in maintaining the balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?

forests absorb the carbon dioxide and help to maintain balance

What is the conclusion importance of photosynthesis in maintaining a balance ecosystem?

Photosynthesis is very important in maintaining a balance in the ecosystem. Carbon dioxide is used by the plants for photosynthesis and oxygen which is used by animals is the by product of photosynthesis.

Animals help keep the gases in the atmosphere in balance by?

Plants and animals help to maintain a balance of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere by cellular respiration and photosynthesis. Photosynthesis releases oxygen and cellular respiration releases carbon dioxide.

How is the oxygen in the atmosphere replaced?

Through oxygen cycle. Humans and animals take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. This ways the oxygen is circulated in the atmosphere.

What does respiration remove from the atmosphere?

Carbon dioxide is being released. As you breathe in you inhale fresh oxygen, but as you breathe out your body releases carbon dioxide.

How has the atmosphere changed?

Carbon dioxide is increasing in the atmosphere, and oxygen is decreasing.

Can Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen be found in air?

Oxygen makes up roughly 20% of the atmosphere. Carbon Dioxide makes up 0.035% of the atmosphere.

What percent of the Martian atmosphere is oxygen?

Mars' atmosphere contains 0.13% oxygen. Over 95% of the atmosphere on Mars is carbon dioxide.

What is the advantage of microorganisms?

the advantage of micro organisms is that they help to keep the balance in the atmosphere. micro organisms use nitrogen like humans use oxygen, so nitrogen is 71% in the atmosphere and oxygen 21% and carbon dioxide 0.04% so with the help these of organisms there is a balance in the air that's why they are called important

What are oxygen and carbon dioxide?

gases thet are in our atmosphere