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Well, It doesn't mean that there aren't repetitions or gaps. But if you take a step back and look from afar, it tells the story from the beginning of the world, through the end, to the

Of course, there are changes of locations. But through in the Old Testament there are references to events that happen in the New Testament. And in the New Testament there are references back to the events that happened in the Old Testament.

The story is basically of a race. Jesus is born in that race. So from the beginning till the end, the story line is based on the one chosen race of people. If they are slaves in one country, that countries story comes in. When they are in Another Country, that stories comes in. And whenever there are many sons in the family we are following, there will be a chosen one, whose progeny we follow. And if you read the beginning of the old testament, you would find the ancestry of Jesus.

During the time of Jesus, there is a change in the attitude of the GOD, the values in general. So then on, it is not a chosen race we are following. Whoever is ready to believe is a son of God. Thus comes the disciples...not just the 12, the whole lot of them. Jesus helps even people from lower classes, and even those who were enemies of the Jews. So suiting the new principles, the same family story goes on. The Book of Revelation is generally seen as a metaphoric description of what is to come towards the end.

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