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Q: How is the Columbia river system a valuable resource that should be used to meet the needs of people?
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Why are you using this website when you should be working?

Right back at ya babeActually this site is an excellent research resource and can be a valuable tool in some occupations.

What has been your most valuable experience?

People have many valuable experiences over their lifetime. However, if you are applying for a job, you should focus on valuable career experiences.

Why should you protect land?

Land is a valuable natural resource -- what we have today is all we are ever going to have, at least in the forseeable future. If we abuse it or misuse it future generations will suffer.

Why do some people feel that Antarctica's resources should be mined?

some people feel it should be mined because;their Country has not have enough of this mineral or product/resource.

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hello people!!

Reasons why people should be encourage animal raising project?

to reduce some expenses and when crisis comes you have resource

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Each baby is a unique individual and its growth and development will not be exactly predictable. However you can find some valuable guidelines on that will tell you what milestones the baby should reach each month. The baby's pediatrician will be your most valuable resource for more specific information about your baby.

What is a sentence with renewable resource?

That forest should be respectfully treated as the renewable resource that it is.

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What are some reasons for visiting the Columbia House Music Club?

The Columbia House music club should be visited to help you understand how videos are marketed to the US. The building provides tours for people to look over.

Should you capitalize the term resource room?

No, "resource room" should not be capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence. It is a generic term referring to a classroom or space where additional support or resources are provided to students.

What should we do with rotten leaves?

Autumn leaves can be gathered into pens in a garden, and allowed to rot into leaf-mould. Leaf-mould is a valuable resource for the gardener. It can be used as a mulch to suppress weeds, or to enrich the soil, or can be added to potting compound for potting on plants.