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The definition of pH is used, which is, pH=-logH+concentration.

Since you know the pH, this turns into an algebra problem:

2.0 = -logH+concentration

Then, logH+concentration = -2

H+concentration = 10-2, or 1/100. The H+ concentration is 0.01 M.

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2d ago

The hydrogen ion concentration of stomach acid with a pH of 2.0 can be found using the formula [H+] = 10^(-pH). Substituting the pH value of 2.0 into the formula gives [H+] = 10^(-2) = 0.01 mol/L. Therefore, the hydrogen ion concentration of stomach acid with a pH of 2.0 is 0.01 mol/L.

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Q: How is the Hydrogen ion concentration of stomach acid - with a pH of 2.0 - found?
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Example of negative pH value in your daily life?

A negative pH value can be found in extremely acidic substances, such as battery acid or stomach acid. These substances have a high concentration of hydrogen ions, resulting in a negative pH value.

Is the pH value of an acid affected by the concentration of the acid?

Yes, the pH value of an acid is affected by the concentration of the acid. As the concentration of the acid increases, the pH value decreases (becomes more acidic). This is because pH is a measure of the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution, and higher acid concentrations result in more hydrogen ions.

Is a solution of ph2 a weak acid?

No, a solution with a pH of 2 is considered a strong acid because it has a high concentration of hydrogen ions. The lower the pH value, the higher the concentration of hydrogen ions and the stronger the acid.

What does the PH solution of a acid and base depend on?

The pH of a solution containing an acid or base depends on the concentration of hydrogen ions in the solution. For acids, the higher the concentration of hydrogen ions, the lower the pH. For bases, the higher the concentration of hydroxide ions (or lower concentration of hydrogen ions), the higher the pH.

What will happen to hydrogen ion concentration and the pH of water if hydrochloric acid added to water?

The addition of hydrochloric acid to water will increase the hydrogen ion concentration and decrease the pH of the water. Hydrochloric acid is a strong acid that dissociates completely in water to form hydrogen ions. This increase in hydrogen ions will lower the pH of the water.

Related questions

The strenghth of an acid is based on the concentration of what ions?

The strength of an acid is based on the concentration of hydrogen ions. Any compound with hydrogen in front of it, such as hydrochloric acid (HCl) is acidic.

Concentration of hydrogen ions in solution is called?

Concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution is called: Acid concentration and pH = - log10(hydrogen ions concentration, in mol/l)

Why is there acid found in the stomach?

Acid is found in the stomach, because the acid helps in digestion.

Does a acid or a base contain a higher concentration of hydrogen ions?

An acid contains a higher concentration of hydrogen ions compared to a base. Acids release hydrogen ions into a solution, lowering the pH and increasing the acidity of the solution. Bases, on the other hand, accept hydrogen ions or donate hydroxide ions to the solution, raising the pH and decreasing the acidity.

How can hydrochloric acid exist in stomach without hurting you?

The stomach lining has a thick mucus layer that protects it from the corrosive effects of hydrochloric acid. Additionally, the stomach cells produce bicarbonate ions, which neutralize the acid. This combination of mucus layer and bicarbonate ions helps prevent the acid from damaging the stomach tissue.

What you pH value when 100 percent sulfuric acid?

100% sulfuric acid rapidly decomposes until it reaches a concentration of 98%. This concentration is usually referred to as concentrated sulfuric acid. The pH value of 98% sulfuric acid is approximately -1.5 For comparison, sulfuric acid of this concentration has about 300 times as many active hydrogen ions as stomach acid (approximate pH 1).

Which substances decrease the H ion concentration in an solution?

An acid increase the hydrogen ion concentration in a solution.

Will hydrogen peroxide neutralize stomach acid?


The acid base balance depends on the concentration of?

The acid-base balance in the body depends on the concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) and bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) in the blood. This balance is regulated by the kidneys, lungs, and buffers in the body to maintain the blood pH within a narrow range of around 7.35 - 7.45. Any disturbances in these concentrations can lead to acidosis or alkalosis, affecting various physiological processes in the body.

Where in the body is the strongest acid concentration located?

The stomach has the strongest acid concentration in the body. It is known as gastric acid and has a pH of 1 to 2 and is composed of hydrochlorlic acid.

The strength of an acid based on concentration of what ions?

Hydrogen ion (H+) [technically it is hydronium ion (H3O+)] that determines the strength of an acid. A mole of hydrochloric acid (HCl) produces 1 mole of H+ ions, then that is a strong acid. Weak acids give smaller amounts of H+ for a mole of substance.

What has a PH level of 0?

A substance with a pH level of 0 is considered extremely acidic. Examples include battery acid and hydrochloric acid.