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Passover is a Jewish holiday.

Mass is a Catholic religious service.

They are not related in any way.

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Catholic (and typically Christian) answer: The mass recapitulates the last supper, which took the form of a Passover Seder as it was celebrated in the days when the Temple still stood in Jerusalem.

Jewish answer: The Catholic answer is probably wrong. If you look at the text of the traditional Catholic Mass, it strongly resembles the text of the Amidah, a prayer said three times daily in the Jewish liturgy. It has no resemblance to any of the liturgy of the Seder, a ritual that we know has been fairly stable for most of the past 2000 years. The actual ritual of communion, with blessings over bread and wine that are then consumed, strongly resembles the Kiddush ritual conducted at the start of every Sabbath and festival meal (incuding the Passover Seder), where blessings are said before consuming wine and bread. We suspect that the form of the Amidah and Kiddush ritual was already in place in Jesus time and we suspect that the Jewish followers of Jesus retained this ritual structure and gradually added new explanations linking it to the last supper until the actual origins of these rituals was forgotten.

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Q: How is the Passover meal related to the mass?
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