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Because of it's rare and beautiful skin people hunt it and due to climate change it's habitat is becoming endangered.

Red imported fire ant is also a danger to these snakes.

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Q: How is the Texas Blind Snake endangered or threatened?
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it is endangered because of pollution. so if you like the Texas Blind Salamander don't throw garbage on the ground.

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Texas blind salamander was created in 1896.

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the question should be who eats the Texas blind salamander, and the answer to that is TiffanyJohnson

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you are lucky cause i have learned abouot it and here is your answer:First of all you did not say the region you lived in, so I am going to take a stab at the species by saying it could be what they call a western blind snake. They are common around Texas and are purple. How many babies can a snake have depends on what kind it is. It could have 7 to 87 young snake

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