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Some types of plants, known as vascular plants, have a system of vessels like circulatoy systems

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Q: How is the best color system of the plants like the circulatory system of humans?
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Describe the three major parts of the circulatory system?

there are a red color.

What colour is the circulatory system?

blue color for veins, means poor oxygened blood from the system to the heart and red for arteries means rich oxygened blood from the heart toward the system.

What color blood do spiders have?

Spiders have circulatory systems just as humans do. However, their blood is colorless blood and is called hemolymph. It transports nutrients, hormones, oxygen and cells.

Where did the color blue originate?

Humans have been using colors made from plants, berries and roots since the dawn of time.

Where do plants get there green color?

Plants get there green color from their chlorophyll in their cells

What types of plants have fragrance?

all plants just some humans cant smell but all flowers/plants must have smell and color or else bees would not be attracted to them and pollinate so we can more flowers more smells yay

What color of light do plants primarily reflect?

Most terrestrial plants reflect the color green. The photosyntehtic parts of plants tend to absorb the color red.

Can humans think in color?

Yes, humans can think in color. It is actually better when you think in color because you can remember things more easily.

What color are plants that do photosynthesis?

All plants photosynthesise

What is the color of non green plants?

theoretically green plants contain every color except green, so non green plants in our eyes only contain the color green

What is the difference between dog and human circulatory systems?

The difference between a human circulatory system and a crocodile's is in the structure of the heart. A crocodile's heart distributes blood via two channels from both the left and right aorta while the human heart uses only one channel.

Would plants still be green if there was no sun?

If there were no Sun, and no other source of radiant energy, the plants (and the entire planet) would quickly freeze. And since the color of an object is determined by the color of the light that is reflected by the object, with no light there would be no color, and everything would be black. If we grow plants under artificial light on a space station, then the light on the space station (even if artificial) would be the same kinds of light that we humans prefer, so the plants on the space station would continue to be green.