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i have no freaking clue .

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Q: How is the characteristic of organization in a unicellular organisim diffrent from organization in a multicellular organism?
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you times the singled celled one by two to get the multicellular organisim

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What are the different types of nekton of the open ocean?

Nekton is any organisim that swims freely in the ocean, whereas plankton is any organisim in the ocean that floats on the top layer of water. Nekton are multicellular and plankton are multicellular or unicellular. The Zooplankton are Multicellular and Phytoplankton are Unicellular. Nekton are Consumers but also can be Producers. For they eat plankton making them consumers, but also, we eat them ((well some of them)), so that makes them producers aswell. General forms of Nekton include Fish, Sharks, Whales, Or Jellyfish. Some Nekton can be plankton at birth and then turn into nekton. Such as fish, they are born as an egg and may float on the top of the ocean, as they grow, they develop finns and then become nekton when they hatch and can swim freely in the ocean. Hope this helps you out!! [: Erin Mabe

What is a multicellular organisim?

A multicellular organism is made up of more than one cell, whilst a single cellular organism is composed of only one cell.

Which is the organisim that is capable of sinthesize its own food?

most plants. remember, plants are organisms,too.

What is the name of the section of the chromosome that carries the information that specifies a particular characteristic of an organism?

Well, the name of the section of the chromosome that carries the nformation that specifies a particular characteristic of an organisim is *Insert Answer Here*

Is Ebola virus a living or non-living organisim?

Virus cannot considered living. They lack cellular organization

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what is a bacterial organisim that eats dead organisim?

Is penicillin a micro-organisim?


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Is chloroplast an organisim?

It is not an organism.It is an organell.