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Q: How is the dandelion a better competitor on the school field than other plants?
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How can a dandelion growing in the schoolyard be a parent plant to a young dandelion growing miles away from the school?

because a dandelion goes to seed and then the wind blows the seed to another place and then that one goes to seed and so on and so forth.

What page does the dandelion symbolizde in the hunger games?

The dandelion is early in the HG book. It symbolizes Peeta, in a way. Katniss sees him as bright, good, and pure. A dandelion is all of those things too, and she sees one often when she catches Peeta staring at her at school.

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There is nothing in sand that will make plants grow.

Why are dandelions a better competitor than other plants on school fields?

The dandelion produces seeds mainly in spring but continues through summer and autumn. The bitter leaves mean that not many animals eat it, so one flower can survive for many years. Dandelions are also adapted to being disturbed, so being moved doesn't limit their ability to grow. The deep, twisted, brittle root makes it difficult to remove entirely so unless you remove it entirely it will just regrow. The dandelion has a rosette of leaves at its base to help it compete with the surrounding grass. They can grow almost anywhere because of their resilience, and their small parachute like seeds, mean that they can be blown many miles from their mother plant. Dandelions also don't mind being trampled on meaning that they can survive where people walk often.

Can plants grow in a pot of water?

Yes, Plants tend to grow better in potting soil, In fact I am doing a school project on that now.

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zaharat alsahraa school is better than american school

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