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Well their regression can only be described as an atavistic spiral as far as i am concerned. take them out of society and put them on an island and they will reek havoc. all of a sudden they cant remember their addresses and their hair is getting longer and so are their nails. they fight, kill and hunt. they loose all of their institutionalisation. they tried out democracy with Ralph as the leader but then when someone says "sucks to your rules," then what? it really signifies the fragility of democracy. the ability to kill is not something that comes naturally, its an acquired skill. they are fighting with each other, they are not doing the right things, they are killing. their practically animals.

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The descent into savagery in "Lord of the Flies" is foreshadowed through the boys' initial struggle to maintain order and the breakdown of societal rules and structures. The presence of the "beast" symbolizes the darkness within themselves that eventually takes control. As the boys become more disconnected from civilization and their primal instincts take over, the descent into savagery becomes inevitable.

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Q: How is the descent into savagery foreshadowed in the novel Lord of the Flies?
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The savage is a character in the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding. The novel explores the dark side of human nature when faced with a lack of civilization and societal norms. The savage represents the descent into savagery and the loss of innocence.

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The lagoon in Lord of the Flies represents a boundary between the safety of the island and the unknown dangers of the outside world. It serves as a source of food and water for the boys but also symbolizes isolation and confinement. Additionally, the lagoon can be seen as a mirror reflecting the boys' descent into savagery and violence as the novel progresses.

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In the novel "Lord of the Flies," Ralph realizes that mankind has the capacity for both goodness and evil. Through the boys' descent into savagery on the island, Ralph sees the inherent darkness within human nature when freed from the constraints of society and morality. This realization leads Ralph to understand the fragility of civilization and the potential for chaos when order breaks down.

What does it mean to say that Lord of the Flies is an allegorical novel?

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Are you surprised by the results of the boys vote. lord of the flies chapter 8?

The "Lord of the Flies" depicts the boys' descent into savagery, so the results of their vote mirror their growing brutality and disregard for civilized behavior. The boys' decision to kill Simon is a turning point in the novel, showcasing the sinister influence of fear and mob mentality on their actions.

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The shattered conch symbolizes the breakdown of order and civilization on the island. It is a physical representation of the loss of authority and the descent into chaos and savagery among the boys. Its destruction marks a turning point in the novel towards anarchy and violence.