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Q: How is the dominat genetic disease is inherited?
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What is an acquiring disease?

An acquiring disease is not genetic or inherited. It is a disease acquired by other means.

Is Canavan disease inherited?

Canavan disease is an autosomal recessive genetic condition

What movement disorders are caused by inherited genetic defects.?

Some movement disorders, including Huntington's disease and inherited ataxias, are caused by inherited genetic defects

What are some genetic diseases that are passed down from generation to generation?

The term "genetic disease" refers to a disease that is inherited- or passed from one generation to the next.

Is bipolar disease known to have a genetic component?

Yes, it runs in families and can be inherited.

Would a disease caused by exposure to chemicals be considered a genetic trait?

A genetic trait is passed on through the genes. Which means that disease from exposure to chemicals is not inherited.

What do galactosemia ansd Tay-Sachs disease have in common?

Both are inherited (genetic) disorders

Is colour blindness an infecious disease like the common cold or influenza?

No. It is usually a genetic disease that is caused by the genes which were inherited.

What can you do to prevent your chances of getting sickle cell disease?

Sickle cell can not be "caught". It is an inherited genetic disease and is only in the African American community.

Is myositis hereditary?

The disease is not directly inherited, although there may be some genetic sensitivity toward whatever triggers it

What are the causes of thalassemia?

All types of thalassemias are recessively inherited, meaning that a genetic change must be inherited from both the mother and the father. The severity of the disease is influenced by the exact thalassemia mutations inherited, as well as.