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Q: How is the ketuvim used during a purim festival?
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Palm Branches are used during the Autumn harvest festival of Sukkot (סוכות), to decorate the Sukkah (סוכה). They are also used in the lulav (לולב), which is a sort of "bouquet" of tree branches used during the festival as well.

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Until you don't know...the difference between the names Mordechai and Haman read in Megillat Esther. Also used as a name for a carnival or party on Purim from this idea.

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Abibat is a Yoruba name commonly used in Nigeria. It means "born during the festival of Abi" which is a traditional festival celebrated by the Yoruba people.

What are the Nevi'im and Ketuvim used for?

a) The Neviim are read from in the synagogue (the Haftarot, after the Torah is read) b) Parts of the Ketuvim form part of the yearly prayer-cycle (the five Megillot, plus many of the Psalms) c) In general, all of the Neviim and Ketuvim are studied, since they are an important part of the Torah (in the broader sense of the word).

What is a greggar used for in Jewish artefacts?

a gregger or grogger is a noisemaker used on Purim to "blot out" the name of Haman, who was the villian of the story.

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An abir is an aromatic red powder used during the festival of Holi by non-Hindus in South Asia.

What is the Latin name for aravah or aravot whose branches are used during the festival of sukkot?

Aravot are from the willow tree, genus Salix.