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Confucianism does not exactly have a "leadership" because there is no god or prophets or things like that. i guess the leadership would start with Confucius himself and then go to his students and whoever spreads the teachings of Confucius.

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Q: How is the leadership of Confucianism organized?
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Confucianism was started because Confucius wanted a peaceful society and china to be more organized.

What makes Confucianism different from other organized religion?

Confucianism began as a guide to good conduct and provided the core of education for Chinese officials. Only centuries later, in neo-Confucianism, did it become a more fully-fledged religion.

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There is no leader of Confuciansim. It is way way of life rather than an organized "religion" with a leader.

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Who is the religious lead of Confucianism?

Confucianism may have gotten its name from a man named Confucius, but he is not the founder. There is no founder of Confucianism. There are also no current leaders (such as the Catholic Pope). It is more like a moral code or way to live life than an organized religion (even though technically, it is a religion).

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Confucianism may have gotten its name from a man named Confucius, but he is not the founder. There is no founder of Confucianism. There are also no current leaders (such as the Catholic Pope). It is more like a moral code or way to live life than an organized religion (even though technically, it is a religion).

Who is the founder of Confucianism?

Confucianism may have gotten its name from a man named Confucius, but he is not the founder. There is no founder of Confucianism. There are also no current leaders (such as the Catholic Pope). It is more like a moral code or way to live life than an organized religion (even though technically, it is a religion).

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It is believed that Emperor Huangdi cracked down on Confucianism because he found the teachings of Confucius to be a threat to his power and authority. Confucianism emphasizes hierarchy and moral leadership, which could potentially undermine the absolute power of the emperor. As a result, Huangdi sought to suppress Confucianism in order to maintain control over his empire.

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What happens in a coup détat?

An organized group suddenly and forcefully assumes leadership.

Who founded Confucianism?

Confucianism may have gotten its name from a man named Confucius, but he is not the founder. There is no founder of Confucianism. There are also no current leaders (such as the Catholic Pope). It is more like a moral code or way to live life than an organized religion (even though technically, it is a religion).Confucious

Why was the french philosopher Voltaire attracted to Confucianism?

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