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the frog goes through a metamorphasis

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Q: How is the life cycle of a frog different from the life cycles of a bird and a dog?
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How many stages are in frog's life cycle?

There are numerous number of life cycles in a frog's life cycle but it is best to say that the frog has 3 stages.The stage are the egg stage, the tadpole stage (young) and the adult stage (frog)!

state a similarity between the life cycle of a frog and a grasshopper.Other than they both have 3 life cycles?

pls help me i need an answer nowwwww

What insects have a nymph life cycle?

If what you mean is the number of life cycles, then there will be a lot of answers, one of which is a frog.

All animals that have 3 stage life cycle?

yes all animals have three stage life cycles.

How is the life cycle of a frog different from the life cycle of an ostrich?

An Ostrich doesn't become a tadpole. Also it won't spend most of it's life in water.

Why is the tadpole stage of a frog in the larva stage?

Because it is a younger, different form of the frog, and is placed accordingly because of its location in the life cycle.

During the life cycle of a frog af first a tadpole looks verry different from an the adult frog but soon changes and begins to resemble the?


What predator eats a bird in pond habitat?

A frog, or fish, snake could eat a bird.

What does the frog life cycle have different from other life cycles?

Well... one thing that's different is they spend a long period of time in the water as tadpoles before actually becoming a frog. Also, most animals don't lose their tale after growing legs like frogs. Lastly, frogs grow while in a pond/lake while other animals grow in the womb of the mother.

How many stages are in the life cycle of the frog?

The frog has three distinct stages of development in its life cycle.

If a bird eats a frog and chokes to death then who killed who?

The bird caused the death of the frog by eating it, but the bird's death was accidental and not intentional.