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In modern times, stress often arises from factors such as work pressure, financial concerns, and relationship issues, while in cavemen times, stress was more likely to be triggered by immediate physical threats like predators. Modern stress can be chronic and psychological in nature, whereas stress for cavemen was generally acute and tied to survival instincts.

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Q: How is the modern day example of stress in this passage different from the example from cavemen times?
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Which character is a modern example of the antihero archetype?

Walter White from the TV show "Breaking Bad" is a modern example of an antihero archetype. He starts off as a sympathetic character but transitions into a morally ambiguous and ruthless individual as he becomes involved in the drug trade.

How have people used nationalism as a basis for their actions?

People have used nationalism to justify actions such as war, colonization, and discrimination against others deemed as outsiders. Nationalism can foster a sense of unity and pride among a group, but it can also lead to conflict and division when taken to extremes. It has been used as a tool to rally support for particular political agendas and ideologies throughout history.

What is modern psychology?

Modern psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. It encompasses a wide range of topics, including cognition, emotions, development, personality, and social interactions. Psychologists use various research methods to understand how people think, feel, and behave in different contexts.

What are the major contribution of early school of thought in psychology for modern psychology?

Early schools of thought in psychology, such as structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, and psychoanalysis, laid the foundation for modern psychology by introducing key concepts and methodologies. For example, structuralism emphasized introspection as a method to analyze conscious experience, while behaviorism focused on observable behavior and its relationship to stimuli. Psychoanalysis highlighted the importance of unconscious processes and the role of early childhood experiences in shaping behavior. These early schools of thought influenced the development of modern psychological theories and approaches.

What does the modern personality theories emphasis on?

Modern personality theories emphasize understanding the individual as a whole, considering a variety of factors such as genetics, environment, and culture in shaping personality. They also focus on the importance of ongoing development and growth throughout the lifespan, moving beyond fixed traits to acknowledge personality as dynamic and flexible. Additionally, these theories highlight the role of personal agency and the individual's ability to actively shape their own personality through their thoughts, behaviors, and choices.

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Who was The last living caveman?

There is no definitive answer to who the last living caveman was, as the concept of cavemen refers to prehistoric humans who lived in caves, and their existence ended as human civilization progressed. The transition from cavemen to modern humans occurred over thousands of years and involved many different groups of people across the world.

Did cavemen have hygiene?

Cavemen likely had some basic hygiene practices such as bathing in rivers or using natural materials to clean themselves. However, their hygiene standards would have been very different from what we have today, as they did not have access to modern tools or products for personal hygiene.

How do you know that there were cavemen?

You know that there were cavemen and women because of archaeological finds within caves. Cave drawings often included pictures of the people who lived in the caves and gave modern people an idea of the tools and animals that were used by the cave dwellers.

When did humor start?

whenever it felt like starting cavemen could of been comedians! George Bush was the first modern one.

Are cavemen Homo sapiens?

Yes, cavemen are considered early humans who belonged to the Homo sapiens species. They lived during the Paleolithic era and are believed to be one of the earliest forms of modern humans.

How is this passage organized Modern Art?

It follows the rules that make it modern art. The features make it stand out as an extraordinary modern piece.

What type of humans do scientists believe cavemen were?

There were never any actual "cavemen", its believed our ancestors were nomads until neandertal and sapiens. The first neandertal found in modern day was in a cave, but they lived in structures like houses and huts rather than caves.

Were humans cavemen in 10000 bc?

In 10,000 BC, humans were not cavemen, but rather early hunter-gatherer societies. These early humans lived in various types of dwellings, but the popular image of cavemen typically refers to prehistoric humans who lived in caves during the Paleolithic period, which was much earlier than 10,000 BC.

What did the cavemen build their house out of in the iceage?

The Ice Age is pre-historical; thus totally theoretical, It might be called a wonder of modern ci vilization.

When did cavemen die out?

Cavemen, also known as Neanderthals, died out around 40,000 years ago. They went extinct as modern humans spread across Europe and other regions, possibly due to competition for resources or interbreeding with modern humans.

Do cave men still exist?

No and yes. Some people live in caves but have real clothing. Those are homeless though. (So sad) And no because Actual cavemen evolved into modern people like us. No real, actual cavemen but people who live in caves. (As I said so sad)

What are the example of modern songs?

modern songs