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Q: How is the pitch of a stringed instrument usually changes example guitar and violin?
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What is the traditional wood for a stringed instrument?

usually oak

How many strings are usually played on the stringed instrument?

Usually 4. (Viola, Violin, Cello, Bass).

How many strings are usually on a stringed instrement?

This varies from instrument to instrument - eg Guitar 6, Violin 4, Zither 34, Bandurria 12.

What is the definition of banjo?

A usually fretted stringed instrument that is from the guitar family, in which the soundbox is covered with a drumhead (a stretched tight drumskin) which amplifies the sound.

What music does the Ballelaika play?

A balalaika is a stringed instrument, similar to a guitar (but with fewer strings). It's usually used for Russian folk music.

How many string are usually on a stringed instrument?

It depends on which instrument you're talking about.For example, a Bass Guitar has 4 strings while a regular guitar has 6. Violins all have 4 strings, whether they are bass or not. Each musical instrument will have its own number of strings depending on what sort of instrument it is.

What is the correct spelling for stradivarius violins?

The spelling "violins" is correct for the plural form of violin (a stringed musical instrument played with a bow).

Is Balalaika a Russian Instrument?

Russian stringed musical instrument, with a triangular body and a long fretted neck fretted instrument. Usually there are three strings, which are generally plucked with a pick. The balalaika is made in various sizes, and several may be combined to make a band or orchestra.

What is the highest stringed instrument in an orchistra?

The violin is the highest instrument in a string orchestra. The violins are divided into two sections (1st violins and 2nd violins), the 1st violins usually play the tune and play higher than the 2nd violins. However, the piccolo is the highest instrument in a full orchestra. The difference between a string orchestra and a full orchestra is that the string orchestra has only stringed instruments while a full orchestra has strings, woodwinds, brass, and percussion.

How many strings are usually on the stringed bow?

Quite a few

Is the harp a percussion instrument?

The harpsichord is a stringed, specifically plucked stringed, instrument, like a guitar. Percussion instruments are those where you have to hit something to make the sound. So drums are percussive, obviously, but less obviously the piano is also percussion, because the sound is made by striking the strings. Harpsichord is not percussive because the strings are plucked, not struck.

Give you Basic information about Guitar?

The Guitar is a stringed instrument in the lute family. Usually having 6 strings, they are plucked or strummed to cause the strings to vibrate, producing sound. The length of the string (and resulting vibration) is changed by pressing the string against a fretboard (fingerboard) which changes the pitch. Guitars are used to produce music in many a genre and are produced in many variations to suit.