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Allergy is our body's way of reacting yo anti-bodies....... whenever our body detects the presence of anti-bodies it starts a process of annihilating it from the body..... this process is called Allergies.... immunity is something which is usually internal..... anti-bodies entering the internal parts of the body it starts the process of immunity...... in short, allergy is related to external metamorphic and immunity is anatomic.....

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Q: How is the process of allergy like that of immunity and how do they differ?
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Cats have many allergy's just like humans. sorry if i didnt give u the answer that u would like to have! If it is mild allergies, give some cat allergy medicine from the clinic. If it's severe, go to a vet immediately.

Are allergy shots something I should consider for my son?

The allergy shots are designed to work like vaccinations. It slowly exposes your body to your allergy thus making you more immune to it. So it is very much worth it to get these shots.

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Passive immunity involves the bodies defenses which do not change for different types of microbes. This would be like Natural Killer B cells which attack a wide variety of microbes. Active immunity involves your body becoming acclimated toward a bacteria or virus, such that future contact will spur on a triggered response. An example of this would be the production of antibodies.

How do you know if you have developed a dairy allergy?

My almost 2 year old was diagnosed with a milk allergy at 8 weeks old. Since then she has only had soy formula and soy milk. She initally had a rash on her face that I thought was baby acne. She can have some foods with milk produucts like mac n cheese and stuff like that. If she has too much of it I can tell because she gets sort of a diaper rash but itns a litttle different looking... its more shiny or oily looking and pretty red.. kind of like sunburn.. So that's how I can still tell she's got a milk allergy. I really hope she grows out of it soon. Hope this helps.

How do you improve your immunity?

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Why does nose flows after meals?

This process is called gustatory rhinorrhea. It can be due to serious underlying medical conditions like hay fever, food allergy, also the temperature of the food may also cause a running nose.

Where can one find reliable information about diplomatic immunity online?

One can find reliable information about diplomatic immunity online by going to sites like Wikipedia. Diplomatic Immunity has become an international law in 1961 though the concept had a much longer history.