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The connection is that Satan thought that by tempting Adam and Eve to partake of the fruit he would be putting a stop to Gods plan for mankind. Instead by doing what he did he, in fact, brought about the plan of God. Adam and Eve had to partake of the fruit so that they could multiply and replenish the earth, they became mortal and Gods plan for mankind was put into action. God knew Satan better than Satan he knew himself. Satan played an important part in mans salvation.


An additional thought :

When God created Adam and Eve, they were perfect and made from the earth, FOR the earth. (Genesis 2:7-9)When God 'blew the breath of life' into them, they 'became' living beings, with the ability to live forever, and take care of their earthly home and the animals . (Genesis 2:15) They were told from the beginning to have children and fill the earth.(Genesis 1:27-30)

They had all they could eat, beautiful surroundings, wonderful work and an endless future in perfect health. The only restriction given to them, was NOT to eat from ONE tree in the garden. That tree belonged to God, and was off limits. This served a valuable was a constant reminder of God's rulership & care for them, and an oportunity every day to show their gratitude for all he'd given them, by their obedience in NOT touching it.

God had given them everything they needed to be comfortable and happy, forever, and asked only one thing from them....their obedience. Their continued life was contingent on this obedience(Genesis 2:16&17)

Satan, wanting glory for himself, challenged God's 'right to rule', offering Adam and Eve another form of worship...worship of self...and told the first lie (Genesis 3:1-5). Rather than listening to God, Satan told them they could make their OWN decisions and still be happy without their creator. They chose to listen to Satan (in essence, now making HIM their God), turned away from their creator, losing perfection and the right to live forever. ALL their yet-unborn children would now be born imperfect, and sinful, without even trying.(Psalms 51:5; Romans 5:12). The rebellion of Satan and his angelic followers (demons) resulted in sin and death for all humans on earth.

Satan had told the first lie, which we're still paying for down to our day.(John 8:44)

Jesus was sent to end this cycle(1 John3:8) and to offer the hope of everlasting life, as God had originally intended.(John 3:16, John 17:3, Matthew 7:21-27. Psalms 37:11&29/Matthew 5:5, Proverbs 2:21&22, Revelation 21:4&5)

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Satan and his angels were cast out of heaven because God would not accept Satan's plan to force mankind to do good, whereby HE would save every soul and therefore take upon himself God's honor.

As to mans disobedience, both Adam and Eve along with Satan were foreordained before they came to earth to play their part in the disobedience of Adam and Eve. If this had not happened then our first parents would not have been able to have had children. Remember they were foreordained and not predestined. The one meaning they had a choice to latter meaning they had no choice.

Some people blame Satan as being the origin of evil. He only puts temptation in our path, we are the ones who commit the evil by accepting the inviting temptation.

The above explanation is from the "Book of Mormon" and is different from The Bible and Christian Theology, which does not teach of the preexistence of the soul before the creation of man on the sixth day and states that Satan, a fallen angel, deceived the women into eating the fruit and thus the fall of mankind in sin. (sin, being the breaking of the law of God - "don't eat the fruit of the tree...")

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Q: How is the rebellion of Satan and the angels against God connected with mans first disobedience?
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