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Do you mean you are thinking of forming an hypothesis, gathering quantitative data, and testing it somehow? I have to say that seems like an odd approach to studying The Bible. Or do you simply mean forming questions and then looking for the answers in the Bible? I suppose that would be what the "scientific method" really is about, to state it simply. Well, a scientific approach also should keep personal bias and subjective observations out of the equation, so to speak. That would actually be very beneficial in studying the Bible, I think. You wouldn't go into it with a preconceived intent to discredit it, as it seems some scientifically-inclined individuals have done.

Something I would like to point out about the Bible is that it was obviously not written to be a science textbook. It was written to be understood by people from all levels of learning, from all cultures, all types of people. To me, that is part of its genius.

However, when it does touch on scientific matters it is actually quite factual, matching up with proven science.

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Q: How is the scientific method used to study the Bible?
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Well, you can experiment on the precepts taught by the bible. You could find the question you need an answer to, you can gather information, you can make an educated guess, you can experiment based on the question, you can gather information, and you can come up with a conclusion. But, instead, you should rather use the spiritual method. In this manner, you study the bible, ponder upon it's precepts, ask god in faith to teach you the things which it teaches, through the holy spirit.

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