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The answer is a euglena has parts that allow it to move and catch food as an animal does. It also has chloroplasts, so it can make its own food, as a plant does.

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it is more animal like

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Q: How is the single cell of a Euglena like a plant cell?
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How is a euglena like a plant cellHow is it like an animal cell?

what are some similarities between euglena and plant cells

Why is Euglena is classified as a protoctist and not as an animal or a plant?

It's a plant like protist, it contains chlorophyll and carries out photosynthesis. The eyespots function as a light shield which allows light from a certain direction to strike the light detector. it doesn' have a cell wall because it is "plant-like," not a plant, it has a pellicle that provides strength and flexibility since it lacks a cell order to be classified as a plant rather than "plant like" it would need to have a cell wall

In What ways is euglena like all other cells?


What is the structure of a euglena?

The Euglena do not have a cell wall. What they have instead is a pellicle. The pellicle is what allows the shape to change.

How is euglena similar to a plant cell?

Euglena is not considered a plant cell. Euglena is unicellular while a plant cell is multicellular. Euglena is a unicellular organism with plant or animal like characteristic and called protist.

What is a eugleana?

euglena acts like a plant and an animal, its a one cell organism, and it moves witha flagella, it makes its own food and its a protist

Is 'Euglena' an animal or a plant?

Euglena is a single-celled organism that is neither strictly an animal nor a plant. It belongs to a group called protozoa, which are considered to be protists. Euglena can undergo photosynthesis like plants but can also feed on organic matter like animals.

Do euglena move?

Yes they do they are a kind of "(half- animal, half-plant)" organism. They are called that because they can move around and also make their own food like plants can. And also they are a microscopic organism that has only a single cell in it's body.

What are some special facts about euglena?

The euglena acts like a plant and an animal making it a unique organism. Euglena are single celled flagellate algae that can be found in the water, mud and sand of ponds and puddles. Although they contain chlorophyll, Euglena cannot survive solely by photosynthesis. Euglena vary in shape from cylindrical to oval, with flagella that are shorter than their bodies. They range in size from 35-45um and may be green or reddish in color.

How do euglena respond to stimuli?

I am doing an experiment on the topic of temperatures affecting Euglena's speed. For my research I deduce that at the highest temperature Euglena can withstand will speed up the Euglena while the lower the temperature drops the slower the Euglena will move.

In what ways is a euglena like all other cell?


Why euglena is more animal like?

We know that euglina makes its food by photosynthesis method like plant which is the only one character similar to plant.Everybody know that plant cell has cell wall but Euglina's cell has no cell wall,its cell structure is totally like as an animal cell & It also create movement like animal.So it is taken as an animal.