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They are all bigger

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Q: How is the size of the outer planets different from the size of the inner planets?
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What is the relative size of the inner planets?

The inner planets are smaller than the outer planets. This may be because the outer planets are called gas giants. This means that gas can accumulate in size at times, and this can be one of the situations.

Which planets are closest together-the inner or the outer planets?

The inner plants. The size and distance of the outer planets means they have longer and more spaced out orbits

What are some similarities of the inner and outer planets?

Inner and outer planets have some things that are in common but there mostly way different. For instants they both orbit the sun. On the other hand the outer planets are made mostly by gas, that's why they are called the gas giants. The inner planets are mostly made by rock and dust. The inner planets are called Terrestrial planets and the outer planets are called Jovian planets. The inner planets are closer to the sun, have more density, they have less moons, there about the size of Earth, and they rotate slowly. The outer planets (Jovian Planets) are farther from the sun, they have less density, they have more moons, they are large, about the size of Jupiter, they rotate rapidly, and they have more mass. These planets are alike because they both orbit the sun.

How are the inner planets different from the outer planets in size and make up?

Outer planets are made up of gas and dust particles, have thicker atmospheres and are bigger due to their place in orbit around the sun, while inner planets are mostly solid particles, warmer, and closer to the sun because of their gravitational attraction to it.

How are the four outer planets alike?

The four outer planets are all of the type astronomers call "gas giants", and have no hard, rocky surface per se. The inner planets are all solid rocky "terrestrial" planets. Also, the four outer planets are larger in size and lesser in density than the inner planets.

What is the main difference between the inner planets and the outer planets?

The inner planets are smaller, and do not have the dense atmospheres of the outer planets. The four inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) have warmer temperatures than the exteriors of the outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune).The "gas giants" have very hot lower atmospheres, caused by the intense pressure. The atmospheres are mostly hydrogen, but for Uranus and Neptune there are higher levels of water, methane, and ammonia. All of the gas giants have multiple moons and rings, the most visible being the ice rings around Saturn.they are divided by inner and outer and the outer planet are the planets that have bigger planets.

How are inner planets and outer planets different?

alsoooooinner--- outer---close to the sun far from the sunsmall in size big sizeterrestial rings (4)no rings more moonsless moons deep atmosphereorbit time short orbit time long

Is Eris a inner planet or outer planet?

Eris is an OUTER planet. The only inner planets are mercury, venus, earth and mars. An outer planet is not related to the size of the planet but rather the distance from the sun.

What is the difference between a terrestrial planet and a gas giant?

Each of the four inner planets have a clearly defined terrain. They are different to the gas planets, which don't have a clear solid surface. The inner planets are also much smaller and less massive, yet have a higher density than the outer planets. The inner planets have fewr moons due to their smaller mass and size. As they are closer to the sun, they orbit the sun in less time and are also warmer.

Is each planet an equal distance from one another?

sorta there are inner and outer planets the inner planets are alike and outer planets are alike to but inner and outer planets are different.

What is the difference between terrestrial planet and gas giant?

Each of the four inner planets have a clearly defined terrain. They are different to the gas planets, which don't have a clear solid surface. The inner planets are also much smaller and less massive, yet have a higher density than the outer planets. The inner planets have fewr moons due to their smaller mass and size. As they are closer to the sun, they orbit the sun in less time and are also warmer.

How are the inner planets different from each other?

The Inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. They are the planets closest to the sun. They are similar in that they all have solid surfaces, are almost the same size and have at least one moon.