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Q: How is the speed of seafloor movement calculated using magnetic polrity reversals?
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Magnetic striping is evidence of?

pole reversals seafloor spreading

How does magnetic reversals provide evidence for seafloor spreading?

Because of the stripes at the sea floor which are magnetic minerals

How are magnetic patterns in sea floor rock evidence of seafloor spreading?

Magnetic alignment of rocks, in alternating strips that run parallel to ridges, indicates reversals in Earth's magnetic field and provides further evidence of seafloor spreading.

How would the history of reversals show itself on the ocean floor?

"Stripes" of alternating magnetic field in the basalt rock of the seafloor.

Magnetic stripes on the seafloor are caused in part by?

movement of ocean crust.

What Magnetic stripes on the seafloor are caused on part by?

movement of ocean crust.

What Magnetic stripes on the seafloor are caused in parts by?

movement of ocean crust.

Why did magnetic reversals on the seafloor support seafloor spreading?

Earth got its north and south Pole's have geographic and magnetic north and south poles which makes an angle of nearly 5.6degree. magnetic field created due to core of earth is reversed during each 100 million year period. ie.magnetic north becomes south and vice's. seafloor spreading is a continuous event so for each 100my spread seafloor we get opposite polarised magnetic substances. That is called magnetic reversal

How a prediction and then evidence of magnetism in rocks on the ocean floor proved that the seafloor spreads?

The Earth's magnetic reversals have been recorded in newly forming oceanic seafloor basalt by the orientation of magnetic minerals which become frozen in place as the magma hardens. When the next reversal occurs, it as well becomes part of the ocean floor magnetic record.

Does geomagnetic reversals represent a source of information on the rate of sea-floor spreading?

As mid ocean ridges create new seafloor over extended periods of time, the magnetic poles of the Earth reverse back and forth. The rocks on either side of a mid ocean ridge show the opposite magnetisms and appear striped. From knowing the approximate ages of these magnetic reversals, one can estimate the approximate age of each stripe.

How do magnetic reversals provide evidence for sea-floor spreading?

The presence of magnetic domains of alternating orientation parallel to the plate boundaries.

How was Allan Cox contributing to the theory of continental drift?

Cox contributed to continental drift theory by researching and proving that the seafloor spreads and that the Earth has experienced magnetic reversals. He did this by studying the layers of volcanoes and streambeds.