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It has a tail that allows it to propel itself. Also, contractions of the uterus and Fallopian tubes help.

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Q: How is the sperm able to get to the egg?
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When a sperm cell be ready and able to fertilize the egg?


Which component is vital for sperm to be able to penetrate the layers surrounding the egg?

The shape of the sperm is a component needed in order for the sperm to penetrate the layers surrounding the egg. Each sperm needs a head, tail, and mid-piece.

Does the morning after pill stop the ovulation process And if it does will you be able to have intercourse after taking the pill for this cycle?

no it does not it says in the information that it keeps the sperm from reaching the egg (it kills the sperm not the egg)

How is sperm able to fertilize an egg?

The Ovalry Releases an egg and and the sperm travels through the fallopian tube to meet the egg.When They Meet they form A Zygote then it develops into an Infant

Describe how you were able to tell by observation when a sea urchin egg was fertilized?

after an egg is penetrated by a sperm, the egg and sperm nuclei fuse to form a single nucleus. within 2- 5 minutes after sperm penetration, a fertilization membrane forms beneath the jell coat to prevent the entry of additional sperm.

What would happen if more than one sperm were able to fertilize an egg?

The fact that only one sperm can fertilize an egg. After the sperm enters the cytoplasm of the oocyte, the cortical reaction takes place, preventing other sperm from fertilizing the same egg

What is a zygote?

A sperm fused with an egg

What is the purpose of sperm cell's tail?

It enables the sperm to swim towards the egg so that it can fertilise it. ------------------------------------- Sperm have tails because they need to be able to swim to the egg. They wiggle their tail which helps them to move along and make it to their destination. ----------------------------------------- Tail with the Sperm is just like tail with the fish. so tail makes the sperm to move along the path. it works like a flagella in bacteria. ------------------------------------------------ it is to aid the sperm to swim from the point of ejaculation to the egg. Once it enters the egg the tail breaks off. -------------------------------------------------- The sperm cell has a long tail in order to propel the head of the sperm, which carries all the DNA information, towards the egg. It is simply to help the sperm reach the egg. Once the sperm reaches the egg, the tail is naturally absorbed through the body's tissues. ------------------------------------------------------

What is joined by the process of fertilization?

sperm and egg. the sperm FERTILIZES the egg.

How does the sperm get in to the egg?

To get to the egg the sperm has to first go through sexual intercourse and then the sperm travels in a liquid till it reaches the fallopian tube where the egg is to get into the egg the sperm uses its tail. (only a brief way)

Why egg cell is larger than sperm cell?

The size of egg is larger than sperm because the the sperm enters inside the egg and egg has to accommodate the sperm. And egg contains fats and nutrients in order to feed zygote in case of pregnancy.