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Q: How is the structure of the ova and sperm related to their function in fertilization?
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Related questions

How is the structure of a sperm suited for fertilization?

The structure of a sperm suited for fertilization in various ways. The basic features are the head and the tail which allow it to swim towards the ova for fertilization.

What is the function of the ovum?

that is the egg that get's fused with the sperm for fertilization

What is the function of copper t?

It prevents fertilization by not letting the egg and sperm meet.

Process of uniting an egg with a sperm?

The process of uniting an egg with sperm is called fertilization.

Are mitochondria and chloroplast important for fertilization?

Indirectly, yes because everything including fertilization requires energy for sperm to reach there and to initiate the fertilization. However, they are not not directly related or important contributors of fertilization.

What is the function that the sperm's structure complements?

it compliments the females egg

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how the sperm cells structure is linked to the cells function, the tall sheath?

When sperm joins with an egg the process is called?

Fertilisation is when the sperm cell and the ova fuse together to form a zygote.

The joining of an egg and a sperm is called?


How does pollen help a seed plant reproduce without water?

Pollen is the male reproductive structure of seed plants. It contains the sperm cells necessary for fertilization. When pollen is transferred from the male reproductive structure to the female reproductive structure (such as by wind or pollinators), it can reach the ovule without the need for water, allowing for fertilization and seed formation to occur.

What is the process of the joining of a Sperm and egg cell?

The joining of an egg cell and a sperm cell is called fertilization

Why sperm must be haploid cells?

So that on fertilization with the egg, the normal diploid(2n) structure of the normal cells of the body is reattained.