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The topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph. It states the main idea of the paragraph. A thesis statement usually appears near the end of the first paragraph of a paper. It offers a concise summary of the paper and is usually a single sentence but may be more than one.

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Q: How is the topic sentence supposed to relate to a thesis statement?
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Where does a thesis statement belong in an introduction paragraph?

They are supposed to be at the end. If write an introduction, they are supposed ti be the last sentence. Never have a thesis statement has a starting sentence; that would be very wrong of you!

Define thesis statement?

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, or other types of writing. It usually appears at the end of the introduction and guides the reader on what the piece of writing will be about.

What is thesis stament?

A thesis statement is a sentence that supports the main idea.

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How do you start essays?

A topic sentence or your thesis statement.

Where will you find the thesis sentence in an introductory paragraph?

A lot of times you will find the thesis sentence in an introductory paragraph in the very first sentence. The thesis statement can be anywhere in the first paragraph.

What is a wrap up sentence?

It is a sentence that closes a story or paragraph.

What is the difference between the thesis statement and a topic sentence?

a topic sentence tells what the topic is, a thesis statement is when you are trying to prove something. Example of thesis: Kenya has delicious food. you have to prove it... hope this helps... x)

Does a thesis statement have to be one sentence?

no, it doesn't have to be one sentence. but it would be better if it was.

What is a thesis statemant?

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of an essay or research paper. It typically outlines the purpose of the work and provides a roadmap for the reader to understand the main argument or analysis being presented.

Where do you include the thesis?

The thesis statement should usually be the last sentence in your introductory paragraph and the first sentence ( but rephrased) of the concluding paragraph.

What is the difference between a topic and a thesis statement?

the thesis statement is something you prove the topic sentence is the main thing in your paragraph example:thesis statment makayla loves apples,prove it example:topic sentence this paragraph is going to be about george washington and his life thesis statement something you prove topic sentence the main idea in your paragraph