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The natural ways to treat a prolapsed uterus includes limiting heavy lifting and avoiding unnecessary straining. Additionally, Kegel exercises can help strengthen the pelvis muscles.

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treat the Patient's symptoms

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What is the medical word meaning prolapse of uterus?

Procidentia is the term used to describe the complete prolapse of the uterus, some times the prolapse of the uterus.

What exactly is a uterine prolapse?

A uterine prolapse is what happens when the ligaments supporting the uterus become very weak and they cannot hold the uterus in place. It is also called pelvic organ prolapse.

Is the condition in which the uterus sags into the vagina?

uterine prolapse

Where is a good place to find the definition of uterine prolapse?

Uterine prolapse is when the uterus slips out of place and in to the canal. This can be caused by the uterine muscles being too weak to support the uterus any longer.

The condition of the sinking down of the uterus until it protrudes through the vaginal opening is known as?

I believe the answer is prolapse of the uterus.

What is the medical term meaning prolapsed uterus?

The medical term for a prolapsed uterus is "uterine prolapse." This condition occurs when the uterus descends into the vaginal canal due to weakened pelvic floor muscles. Symptoms can include pelvic pressure, a feeling of fullness, and urinary incontinence.

What can you do with an Abnormal smear test and Prolapse of the uterus?

The only treatment for uterine prolapse is surgery, usually hysterectomy. If the smear test is also abnormal, the doctor may also choose to remove the cervix.

What happens if your cervix falls out?

There seems to be no such condition, but the closest to that is female genital prolapse. Depending on the exact type of vaginal prolapse, there are various treatments available, and typically in the form of surgery. Exercises or devices might be helpful in some cases. One condition in this family of conditions is known as uterine prolapse. There are muscles and ligaments to hold the uterus in place, and if they become weak, the uterus can slip out of place. Advancing age and a history of childbirth are risk factors. Usually, surgical correction is warranted. You could have the uterus removed, or you could have a mesh inserted to help hold the uterus in its proper position.

Is leopard gecko prolapse like parasites?

No, a leopard gecko prolapse is similar to a hernia in humans. It is when part of the intestines, uterus, or hemipenis pertrudes through the anal area. It can be caused by parasites, constipation or difficulty laying eggs

How do you treat a cow when uterus comes out?

Call the vet, this is called a prolapse and needs to be pushed back in and stitched in place, and antibiotics administered.

What is the Kegel exercise for a dropped uterus?

Mild conditions of dropped uterus, aka Uterine Prolapse, can be helped by doing Kegel exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and vagina. Sometimes these conditions require surgical correction, however. The Kegel exercises are the same regardless of the condition being treated. See the related questions below for information and links about Kegel exercises and how to do them.

Is the condition in which the uterus slides from its normal sags into the varinga?

The condition is called a Uterine Prolapse, and can be very minor to actually visible from the out side of the vagina.