

How is tigers becoming extinct bad for the earth?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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less fur coats

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Q: How is tigers becoming extinct bad for the earth?
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If TIGERS, my favourite animal gets extinct,There will be an increase in the herbivores, which tiger hunts.Tiger is national animal of India, if extinct, there would be a difficulty.My heart will get heartbroken.Many people, including me, would mourn.

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the aren't extinct. i think the question ur asking is how bad is it threatened. it isn't

What are 1 reasons why tigers are bad?

Tigers are not bad - they are under-pressure from poaching and loss of habitat.

What species is an protected species?

the Siberian tigers are going extinct and the snow leopards and the clouded leopards and the Bengal tigers and ocelots,many cat species are dying out but the ones we need to be worried about are the amphibians they are indicator species and are having terrible mutations unexplained deaths and have the most extinct species of any other animal. but the good news is they have rediscovered some thought to be dead ones such as the painted frog. but still the largest amphibians on earth are getting it bad the African goliath frog and Japanese giant salamander are now protected by law BRANDON DOUG. age-13

What is extinkt?

A bad spelling of the word extinct.

When will Bengal tigers become fully extinct?

It all depend on the conservation efforts made. some people say that Tigers could be extinct in the wild in 20-30 years but others say maybe even 10 years. But if the conservation efforts succeed and poachers are found and prosecuted Tigers may never go extinct in the wild. Also tigers probably will never be fully extinct because of the amount in zoos even if they become extinct in the wild technically there not extinct because some individuals which could be made wild again still exist in zoos. So lets just hope Tigers don't go extinct because if we do mankind has let another beautiful creature extinct because of our greed.

What is a problem for extinct animals?

That they are extinct would be the biggest problem. After that, anything else is not so bad.

Why is it a bad thing for the earth for an animal to become extinct?

because when one animal extinct the animal who eats that animal would maybe or absolutely have no other animal to eat so that animal who eat the extincted animal would become extinct then another then another. So maybe all animals may die.

Is the tiger good or bad?

nothing is bad about tigers. only rabbits

Is it bad to poach tigers?

Poaching any type of animal is bad!