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Q: How is urine formed in the body from the foods you eat and drinks you drink?
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Why does energy drinks make you urine all the time?

because your drinking a drug drink and then your doing sport which makes the drink churn up and turn into urine

Can you get dehydrated from urinating?

No. Once urine has been formed the water will not be of any use to your body and all you can do is urinate it away. If your urine is any darker than pale yellow this can indicate that you are dehydrated and should drink more non-alcoholic drinks. YES! if you do not replace the fluids that you lose by urinating you will get dehydrated. In a pinch you can actually drink your own urine but I would go for bottled water first.

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What does acidic urine indicates?

its acidic because all the waste (urine) needs to come out of the bladder

What foods and drinks to avoid during 24 hour urine collection for 51HAA?

you should eat a foods with low iodine. This includes all proccessed foods. ( fast food, fozen dinners and sea food)

Kidneys work with other systems how?

well the kidneys get rid of impuritys/poisens from drinks a liquids u drink and make them into urine

What happens to the composition of urine on a rainy day?

The weather has no impact on your urine. It's how much you drink that has a impact on the shade of yellow. Certain foods can have impact on color.

What drinks go right through a girls bladder?

If the girl is not dehydrated then most drinks will turn into urine in the girl's kidneys and flow into her bladder. Drinks with diuretic properties like coke, tea or coffee are most effective. Girls can normally produce more urine than boys if they both drink the same.

When less glomerular filtrate is formed what kind of urine is formed?

less urine is formed

How do you treat a urine infection until you can see a doctor?

Drink a lot of water and not so much soda or acidic drinks like apple and orange juice.

Can you drink women urine?

no itis not ok to drink womens urine it has bacteria and is different from mens urine

You had 9 drinks and 16 hours after the last drink you received urine test you used detoxify xxtra clean will alchahol show up in urine?

depending on the drik, i would say don't take any chances