

How is vacuole like a house?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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7y ago

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Cell Wall - Outer stucco

Cell Membrane - Inner Walls

Vacuole - Bathroom? LOL

Mitochondria - Furnace

Endoplasmic Reticulum - Vents

Ribosomes - something that carries protein..

Cytoplasm - floors

Chloroplast - photoelectric cells on the roof to generate electricity

Nucleus - Fuse Box-All the switches

Golgi Body - something that stores protein

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13y ago
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11y ago

a plant cell equals house x3 (-8) 2 A-2 = -5 membrane screen door oewoekowqejioewhvn@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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13y ago

A cell walls function is to protect everything inside the cell. So the outside exterior would represent the cell wall. examples would be like the houses walls and just the building itself.

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12y ago

a basement is compared to a vacuole because that's where they store stuff

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An object that is like a vacuole would be a refrigerator. This is because it stores food for humans just like the vacuole stores food.

How is the vacuole like a toilet?

Plant cell deposit their waste inside the vacuole same as for us pooping in Toilet.

What is a real life example for vacuole?

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What is an analogy for vacuole?

A vacuole is like a stomach for the cell.

Why is a vacuole like a stomach?

Just like a stomach, a vacuole is a place were cells can store undigested food. Also like a stomach, digestive enzymes are dumped into the vacuole to aid in digestion.

What would a Vacuole be like in the real world?

A vacuole stores Nutrients(food) or water simply the best answer i can think of would be a Refrigarator

What is an example of a vacuole?

An example of a vacuole that we use today is a storage space, like a fridge or a cabinet.

Is the vacuole cell like a washroom?

Of course yes! Washroom store the waste and vacuole does too!

Analogy for a central vacuole?

An analogy would be like arefrigerator It stores our food away like a central vacuole. Also, I remember it like avacuum Myvacuumstores my dust (waste) and it is stored in the closet! Hope this helps!