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the main use of water in agriculture is irrigation of course. it can cause pollution by carring soluts like excess nitrogen or phosphorus to underground water reserves or lakes and rivers. it can also carry dissolved pesticides and herbisides though its less likely

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Q: How is water used in agriculture and how can it cause water pollution?
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Is pollution good for your health?

Pollutants and pathogens in air can cause respiratory ,skin and optic problems.Chemicals and pathogens in water can cause water borne disease.Chemical fertilisers and pesticides used in agriculture has harmful health problems.Sound pollution above 20,000 frequencies and high decibles from machines and traffic,loudspeakers etc. can damage the auditory system.

How is water used in agriculture and recreation?

Water is used in agriculture for irrigation and used as recreation for water sports and swimming pools.

How does agriculture contribute to ground water pollution?

Fertilizers used in agricultural areas tend to get washed away by rainfall and can end up in local water sources. These chemicals can cause fish to die near-instantly because of the nitrogen poisoning in the water and aggressive aquatic plants like algae can grow rampant.

Identify five sources of water pollution?

It is basic and simple! The five (major) sources of water pollution are fertilizers and pesticides used in agriculture, livestock farms, industrial waster, oil runoff from roads including septic tanks, and unlined landfills. ;) :*

How is water used in agriculture?


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mathematics is used in agriculture when there are situations such as quantity of water and fertilizer to be applied.

What is most of the water used for in the middle east?

Most of the water in the Middle East is used for drinking, residential commodities, and agriculture.

Where does the used water go afterward?


Water is used mostly for what?

for drinking and agriculture

Can you fix or eliminate land pollution?

Land pollution could be fixed, at least to a degree, if people worked together to stop the pollution. It is doubtful that pollution would ever be eliminated totally because a lot of pollution to the land is from chemicals that are used in agriculture. It is highly unlikely that those chemicals will ever stop being used.

Is the biggest use of water for agriculture?

Water is used to grow crops.

Is agriculture the biggest use of water?

Water is used to grow crops.