

How is wind stronger than lightning?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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13y ago

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it simply isn't, i know i am only 16 but i know a ton of stuff about science

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Q: How is wind stronger than lightning?
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No, because lightning is a source of light and electricity. which can cause serious damage to trees, human etc.

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There is a 5th element that not much people put into thought and that is Lightning. Out of the other 4, wind is strongest yet there is nothing that can affect lightning. It can crack the Earth, water and slice through wind. Fire has no affect on it nor lighting on fire but Lightning is the strongest element.

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It depends who uses it. Naruto has the chakra of the nine-tails, and sage mode, so his Rasen Shuriken is very strong. As Rasen-Shuriken is wind release, and Kirin is lightning, in a head-to-head battle, Rasen-Shuriken will overpower the other.

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Naruto doesn't have fire or lightning styles. He has only the wind style.-WIND WINS against LIGHTNING-WIND LOSES against FIREAnd also, Sasuke has fire and lightning.