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Q: How it cost to get rid of a snake?
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put a fake snake in their bedroom and say you have a snake problem.

How to get rid of a red belly black snake?

To get rid of a red belly black snake you have to scare it. try blasting it with the hose. Of making a loud noise. To get rid of a red belly black snake you have to scare it. try blasting it with the hose. Of making a loud noise.

How much money do it cost to buy a snake?

i think a snake cost 1000 dollars or more depends what tipe it is

How do you get rid of mice in your lawn?

Get a cat or a rat snake or some poison.

Does anyone have a big snake that wants to eat you?

I do. It is in my basement and I can't get rid of it.

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get a snake

How much money does it cost for a snake and all of it's accessories?

In the UK - a typical 'starter kit' including a baby Corn Snake should cost around £150

How do you stop back flow in shower and toilet?

Snake the downstream line and get rid of the plug up.

How much does a snake cost?

It all depends on what type of snake you are interested in, most cost between $45-$100. EDIT: In the UK - a typical corn snake complete set-up, including the young snake would cost around £250 ($375 USD) - That's for the wooden vivarium, heat & light sources, thermostat, substrate and other 'sundry' items... Snakester1962 (Supervisor)

How do you get rid of nesting doves?

We placed a rubber snake in the mailbox that they kept trying to nest in and it scared them off.

How much money does an albino corn snake cost?

$50 - $100 is a fairly reasonable price range for an albino corn snake.