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In meiosis when male and female gametes that are 2n in condition fuse they form 4 daughter cells which are 1n in condition while, in mitosis the two gametes form 2 daughter cells 2n in condition

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15y ago
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13y ago

Genetically, it's because mitosis produces diploid cells with identical DNA without crossing over of chromosomes, while meiosis produces haploid cells that results in nonidentical DNA due to the crossing over of chromosomes.

More conventionally, it's because the purpose of mitosis is replacing dead cells by creating the identical clone. By undergoing meiosis and crossing over, haploid cells such as sperms or eggs have a greater genetic diversity, which allows the species to thrive and become more resilient.

If somatic (normal) cells are to undergo meiosis, then the created genetic diversity may result in the cells responding differently to a given stimulus. In order for all the cells to function correctly and similarly, they must be genetically identical.

Likewise, if gametes are to undergo mitosis, then the identical cells will not only limit the amount of cells produced (since meiosis produces 4 and mitosis produces 2), but the decreased genetic diversity will also become hazardous to the overall survival of the population.

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12y ago

Meiosis daughter cells become the first cell in each new offspring that divides and copies, etc.

Mitosis daughter cells can be referred to as sister cells because they are used to replace old, dead cells, grow, and repair your body.

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13y ago

So that it can make new cells for the body.

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Q: How it is that in meiosis you end up with 4 different daughter cells but in mitosis you end up with 2 identical daughter cells?
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Is it true that A cell divides to produce daughter cells that are genetically different?

It is true ONLY for meiosis II. Mitosis and Meiosis I produce identical daughter cells.

How do genetic contents of cells resulting from mitosis different from meiosis?

The four daughter cells resulting from meiosis are haploid and genetically distinct. The daughter cells resulting from mitosis are diploid and identical to the parent cell.

How many cells are created in meiosis?

At the end of Meiosis there are 4 daughter cells.

When does two daughter cells form?

I'll make this as easy to understand as I can. There are two different ways that daughter cells can form. Mitosis, and Meiosis I. That's all.

Differences between mitosis and meiosis?

place of occurence ;mitosis= somatic cells | meiosis=gonadic cells crossing over;mitosis=does not occur | meiosis=occur during prophase of meiosis 1 to form tetrads number of daughter cell;mitosis=two | meiosis= four genetic variation;mitosis=no variation produced| meiosis=produces genetic variation genetic composition in daughter cell; mitosis=identical to the parent cell | meiosis= non identical to the parent cell and each other

Which process produces identical Daughter Cells - mitosis or meiosis?

Mitosis provides two Viable Cells; Meiosis provides four Gametic 'Cells'.

How does the genetic make up of cells that results from mitosis differ from the parent cell?

Mitosis followed by cytokinesis results in two genetically identical, diploid daughter cells. Meiosis followed by cytokinesis results in four genetically non-identical, haploid daughter cells.

Are daughter cells identical to the parent cells?

exactly like mitosis different in meiosis due to crossing over in interphase I

How many daughter cells are produced by mitosis and meiosis respectively?

Mitosis creates 2 identical diploid daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell.Meiosis produces 4 haploid cells that are genetically unique.

What is the purpose off cell division in mitosis and meiosis?

In meiosis, cell division produces four genetically distinct daughter cells. Mitosis produces two genetically identical daughter cells.

Is identical diploid daughter cells mitosis?

mitosis ends with 2 identical daughter cells and meiosis ends with 4 non-identical sister chromatids.

What is the number of daughter cells in meosis?

Meiosis results in four daughter cells, each with half the number of chromosomes as the parent cell. This is achieved through two rounds of cell division.