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Just like men do. There's no difference.

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Q: How ladies should do sajdah in namaz?
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How do you read namaz for someone who has died?

I'm not totally sure but i know its prayed like normal salah but you don't do the prostration (sajdah), you miss that part out.

How to do sajdah -e-tilawat when reading quran in salah?

SAJDAH TILAAWATOne should note that the pre-requisites of Salaah in general are also the pre-requisites of Sajdah-tilaawat:1. There are fourteen places of sajdah-tilaawat in the holy Qur'an. Whenever the word "sajdah" appears on the margin of the holy Qur'an, then on reciting that verse; sajdah becomes Wajib. This sajdah is known as sajdah-tilaawat.2. The method of making sajdah-tilaawat is as follows: the person should say Allahu Akbar and go into sajdah. When saying Allahu Akbar the hands should not be raised. While in sajdah say: Subhaana Rabbiyal A'alaa at least three times. Thereafter, he should say Allahu Akbar and raise his head. The sajdah-tilaawat isnow complete.3. It is preferable to stand up and then say Allahu Akbar and go into sajdah. And thereafter to say Allahu Akbar and stand up from the sajdah. It is also permissible to go into sajdah and come up from it while in the sitting position without standing up at all.4. Sajdah-tilaawat becomes Wajib on the person who recites a verse of sajdah and also on the person who hears it being recited. This is irrespective of whether the person had sat down with the intention of listening to the Qur'an, or whether he was preoccupied with some work, or whether he heard it without intending to listen to it. It is therefore better to recite the verse of sajdah softly so that sajdah-tilaawat does not become Wajib on anyone else.5. If a person recites a verse of sajdah while he is in salaah, then upon reciting the verse, he should immediately go into sajdah and then continue with the rest of the surah, and then go into ruku. If a person does not go immediately into sajdah, but goes into sajdah after reciting a few more verses; even then this sajdah will be proper. And if he recites several more verses and then goes into sajdah, the sajdah will be proper, but he will be sinning.6. If he recites a verse of sajdah while in salaah, but did not make sajdah in the salaah; then the sajdah will not be valid if he makes it out of salaah. He will remain a sinner forever. Now there is no way of absolving himself except through repentance and seeking forgiveness.


Women can pray Jumuah, but they cannot lead it.

How do you read namaz during pregnancy?

if a pregnent women is having problem in offering namaaz she can offer namaaz while sitting if she cant even sit she can lay down and offer namaaz and sajdah

How is Sajdah Pronounced?

Sajdah is pronounced SAHJ- dah

When should one perform sajdah?

after the recital of tashahhud in the final rak'at

How do you recite Taraweeh prayers?

Like any Sunnah prayer, there is no Iqaamah for Taraaweeh prayer. It is offered immediately after 'Ishaa prayer and before Witr. The Taraaweeh prayer is offered in two sets of Raka'aats after which one says Tasleem. If one intends to offer eight raka'aats of Taraaweeh, one offers the first two sets, plus two sets, plus two sets, plus two sets, making the total of eight raka'aats. Then one says two sets for Shaf'u and one Raka'ah for Witr for the total of eleven Raka'aats. If one intends to do twenty raka'aats, offer them in sets of two until the total count is twenty. The procedures of these sets is similar to that of Salaatus Subh, morning prayer. Although there is no recorded Sunnah for how long one should recite Al-Quran after Al-Faatihah, it has been reported from the Salaf, the worthy ancestors and those after them, that they used to recite the whole Suurah Baqarah in eight Raka'aats. However, if one is unable to recite that much, one may recite according to one's convenience, as long as one desires, from anywhere in Al-Quran."The Prescribed Prayer Made Simple" - Shu'aib

When does zohr namaz become qaza?

Salaam, Zohr namaz becomes qaza when asr namaz times start for e.g zohr timings is 1.30 & asar namaz is 5.30 , then one can offer namaz till 4.30.

The key of namaz?

Namaz Is the Key Of Jannah (Heaven)

What is Ecliptic Namaz?

ecliptic namaz is praying during??

Should you say day on which or day in which?

I want to know in islam jagnekiraat is celebrate,what namaz should we perform?

Name that place where Muslim can't pray namaz?

Muslim should pray namaz towards kabba,,any place which is clean we can perform namaz,,,perform 5times a day Allah wil take care of all ur needs,, Abdul rehman Bangalore,,,,