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Q: How ladybugs eat all beetle eggs from plant of asparagus?
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Do ladybugs move their eggs somewhere safe?

No, ladybugs do not move their eggs to somewhere safe once the deposit is made. The location tends to be on the undersides of food and host plant leaves. The host plant will be amid, near or one of vegetation that offers such larval food sources as aphids.

Why do ladybugs eat their own eggs?

well because it does not have a lot of plants or it want to get more energy. Ladybugs get more energy eating other insects. You would have to go back many thousands of years to find that answer. That is simply what they do, based on what they are. For the same reason that lions are carnivores and cows are not. There are a couple of species of lady beetles that do eat plants only and sometimes feed on crops (e.g., the squash beetle and the Mexican bean beetle).

Do ladybugs have a bellybutton?

No, ladybugs lay eggs which means that there is no ambelical cord.

How often do ladybugs lay eggs?

every day when they arent sleeping or eating

Do boy ladybugs lay eggs?


What do female ladybugs do?

Produce eggs.

Do ladybugs have babies?

No, they lay eggs.

Do orange ladybugs have eggs?


What natural instincts do ladybugs have?

Survival is the natural instinct that ladybugs have. It shows up when ladybugs deposit eggs on the undersides of food and host plant leaves so that hatchlings have aphids to eat and when they leave some infertile eggs, amid each female's spring and summer quote of 2,000, for hatched fertile eggs to consume in case of absent or few prey. It also will be evidenced in ladybugs playing dead by rolling over on their shells and stretching legs out stiff and straight as in death.

Do beetle lays lot eggs?

If you mean does a beetle lay a lot of eggs yes they lay eggs almost like flies but could be different depending on type of beetle :);)

Do ladybugs lay eggs by themselves?


Where do ladybugs have babies?

Ladybugs don't have babies. They lay eggs, usally under a leaf of in a clustr of leaves. The eggs are tiny and are an yellowish-orangish color.