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Q: How large can pediculus humanus hunamus get?
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Related questions

What is the genus name for Pediculus humanus?

The genus name for Pediculus humanus is Pediculus.

When was Pediculus humanus created?

Pediculus humanus was created in 1758.

What is the scientific name of head louse?

Pediculus humanus capitis

What are the two scientific name for lice?

If you are referring to head lice, there is only one scientific name for head lice. Pediculus humanus capitis is the scientific name for head lice. The scientific name for body lice is Pediculus humanus humanus.

What is the scientific name or taxonomic classification of the Lice?

The scientific or taxonomic name would be Pediculus humanus.

Are head lice the same species as crabs and if so why do they have different names?

Pediculus humanus capitus (head lice), Pediculus humanus corporis (body lice), and Phthirius pubus (crab lice) are the three variants in humans. I believe the difference is that they are different sub-species.

What is the scientific name for a louse?

Lice (singular, louse) belong to a large order of parasitic wingless insects; order Phthiraptera. The headlouse - one of about 3,000 species of lice described so far - goes by the scientific name Pediculus humanus capitis.

What reading material is available on lice infestations in Australia?

Hunter, J. A., and S. C. Barker. "Susceptibility of Head Lice (Pediculus humanus capitis ) to Pediculicides in Australia." Parasitology Research 90 (August 2003): 476-478.

What is pediculosis humanus capitis?

Pediculosis humanus capitis is the head louse.

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How did pubic lice start?

Human head lice (Pediculus humanus) separated from Chimpanzee head lice (Pediculus schaeffi) about 5.6 million years Ago. If you are an evolutionist this is when ancient man separated from ancient chimpanzee. Also most lice originated from Asia (like most things .) and lived in tall grass lands.

What is the correct name for head?

Head lice are parasitic insects that live in the hair and scalp of humans. They need human blood to survive. Also they spread easily from person to person by direct contact. Head lice can infest anyone, regardless of personal hygiene. The scientific name for head louse is Pediculus humanus capitis